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The left atrial ear is a small bulge in the left atrium of the heart. In patients with atrial fibrillation, one of the most common heart diseases, a blood clot can form in this very spot.
In order to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, those affected usually have to take blood-thinning medication. However, such therapy is associated with an increased risk of bleeding. Also, the drugs may not be well tolerated.
An alternative is to close the atrial tube with a screen using a cardiac catheterisation procedure. We accompany 70-year-old Otto Lüssi during atrial appendage closure by Dr Olaf Franzen. The cardiologist shows how it is done.
A (german only!) feature of Telezüri's "Checkup Gesundheitsmagazins", presented by our partner, Klinik im Park, Hirslanden.